Abi & IB 2024

ABI & IB 2024
On 15 June 2024, we bid farewell to this year's graduates on the occasion of a graduation ceremony. In the presence of Dr Susanne Frane, representing the German School London, the chairman of the German School Association, Mr Jan Peter Weiland, the school management and the pedagogical management of the secondary school, many teachers and employees and, of course, proud families and friends, we celebrated the achievements of a year group that has been committed to the school both on academic and and extra curricular level over the past few years. Their outstanding commitment was rewarded with an excellent average grade of 2.0. Three students achieved the dream result of 1.0 in the Abitur and two of our graduates have been nominated for admission to the Studienstiftung des Deutschen Volkes, the German National Academic Foundation. Two students also took the full IB Diploma in addition to the German International Abitur and 15 others added IB course certificates in specific subjects to their Abitur. In addition to the presentation of certificates, entertaining speeches and virtuoso performances by the school band, the eagerly awaited honouring of the award winners for special achievements in individual subjects and this year's DSL School Award, the John Gay Award, took place. We wish the class of 2024 all the best for their future endeavours and look forward to seeing them again in the future.