Ein Abend mit Emma Thompson und Axel Scheffler

Emma Thompson, two-time Oscar winner and one of Britain's most famous actresses, visited the German School London to present her collaboration with the popular illustrator Axel Scheffler. Scheffler has illustrated Emma Thompson's text for the Christmas book ‘Jim's Spectacular Christmas’ and the evening, hosted by author and children's book reviewer for The Times, Nicolette Jones, was extremely entertaining, funny and insightful and was enjoyed by young and old alike in the auditorium. Throughout the event, Emma focused her attention on the students in attendance. She gave them valuable advice, for example, on how to make the right career choice, whether in the arts or another field, and encouraged them to try out what they really enjoy on the way to making the right decision: ‘There is no way in this life to find out more about something if you don't try’.
Paula, a year 10 pupil, was delighted to meet Emma Thompson before the event to interview her for our school magazine. She reports: ‘Emma Thompson was very humorous and totally friendly to us. The interview was relaxed and also very funny. My mum had baked a typical German Christmas cake, Stollen, for her, which I presented to her and she was so happy and asked if she could meet my mum. Later, when she signed a book for me, she thanked me again and even mentioned it in her dedication.’