Welcome to the Secondary I (SEK I)
SEK I comprises grades 5 - 10. In grade 5, pupils familiarise themselves with learning at the secondary level. From the very beginning, we support and encourage them to develop their personal strategies for independent, self-directed learning.

Year 5 is our orientation level. At the end of this year, an initial school path recommendation is made. Year 10 marks the transition to SEK II.
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Admission criteria
A good proficiency of written and spoken German is necessary for pupils to be able to participate successfully in lessons in the secondary school.
Year 10 as introductory phase to the SEK II
The scope of teaching in year 10 is at least 32 compulsory lessons per week. Of these, the following are compulsory for all pupils:
German, English, a second foreign language (French or Latin or Spanish), maths, history, geography, politics and sport. In the compulsory elective area, pupils can choose between ethics (in German or English) and religion, as well as art and music
Pupils choose two or three subjects from the natural sciences of physics, chemistry and biology, depending on whether they would prefer to focus on languages or natural sciences in the qualification phase.
The binding choice of subjects takes place in the second half of year 9. A change of subject is only possible in justified exceptional cases. Separate agreements may apply for school careers with a different foreign language sequence.
Transition to the qualification phase
At the end of year 10, the conference of subject teachers decides on promotion to the qualification phase. The promotion decision is based on the promotion regulations for lower secondary level.
Students who are not promoted to the qualification phase can repeat year 10. However, anyone who is not promoted for the second time or has previously repeated two years of lower secondary level must leave the Deutsche Schule London. It is then no longer possible to transfer to the upper secondary level of a German school in Germany or another German school abroad.
Realschule students who receive permission to enter the upper Gymnasium level at the end of year 10 must repeat year 10 at the Gymnasium level.
Performance assessment and evaluation in year 10 is based on the assessment regulations for lower secondary level. Performance assessment in the qualification phase (grades 11 and 12) is based on the requirements of the KMK.
Written examinations are written in all subjects (with the exception of sport), for which the following framework applies:
In terms of form and content, the requirements are to be successively adapted to the performance expectations in the Abitur examination, both in terms of content, correction as well as assessment and grading.
In all subjects (with the exception of sport), at least one written examination is written in each of the first three semesters, and two written examinations per semester in the subjects with an increased level of difficulty German, English and maths. In the half-year of the Abitur examination, one written examination is written in all subjects. The duration of the exams depends on subject-specific requirements. The minimum duration is 90 minutes, the maximum duration may not exceed the duration of the written Abitur examination.
During the first two semesters of the qualification phase, one written examination per subject can be replaced by another, individually measurable performance record. Instead of a written examination in year 11 in the modern foreign languages English, French and Spanish, the examination in the competence areas of speaking or listening comprehension or listening-viewing comprehension is mandatory.
Performance assessment and evaluation in year 10 is based on the assessment regulations for lower secondary level. Performance assessment in the qualification phase (grades 11 and 12) is based on the requirements of the KMK.
Which language is used in lessons?
Most of the lessons are held in German. We support pupils in learning the correct use of specialised vocabulary. In some subjects, units are taught in English. From Year 9 onwards, a German course can be taken in cooperation with the Goethe Institute in preparation for the upper school, which aims to improve written language skills in particular.
Foreign languages
1st foreign language: English from year 5
2nd foreign language: French or Latin from year 6
Optional: Spanish from year 8 or 10
Learning evaluation
Every year, the VERA 8 learning level survey shows that our pupils' results in maths and, unsurprisingly, English are above the average for secondary school pupils in Baden-Württemberg. In German, they perform just as well as children in Germany.

Uta von Andrian, our Admissions Coordinator, will be happy to answer your questions or to direct you to the corresponding person.

Uta von Andrian
Admissions Coordinator